Discover the future

Strata is the Gateway to Banking Smarter.

Strata has been around the block for a while, so we know how the economy has evolved, personal finances included. Our money philosophy revolves around banking smarter, budgeting, cutting our spending, and maximizing our savings.

A team of visionaries

Brian Meiggs is the creator of Strata and the owner of a digital marketing company, MeiggsMedia LLC. His mission and passion are making financial freedom possible for everyone. He has been featured in Yahoo Finance!, NASDAQ, GOBankingRates, Discover, AOL and many others. He even got to be on TV sharing how people can start a new business. Brian earned his first bank bonus in 2011 when opening a checking account and he's been finding the best bank bonus offers for checking accounts and savings accounts ever since.

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Want to get in touch? We make it our priority to respond as soon as possible, however, please allow at least 48h before getting back to us.

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